Focus on comfortable sleeping environment for babies and children

baby boat means the cradle of the baby, like the mather's stomach, so that the baby

Sleep as safe and comfortable as in pregnancy, This is the beginning of the establishment of

this brand, we are the most original thinking

babyboat pregnancy sleep: 'comfort", "safety" and "mother-like protection" are all import-

ant reasons forour creation for them

baby Sleep Science at baby boat - Baby Pregnancy Sleep MES concept:

(Eye) soft and comfortable vision, Ear light and comfortable hearing,(Smell) comfortable


(Skin) skin is comfortable, (Skeleton) bone maintenance is comfortable

The muscles are relaxed and comfortable, Conform to the natural concept of humanistic par-

enting, follow the infant

The science of pediatric sleep, "there is also a mother's protection in the dream" is our com-

mitment to every baby

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